
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year...YES!!!

I'm so grateful for this new year. It HAS to be better than last year (it just has to be). I actually woke up feeling different today; like a new leaf had really turned.

2010 was a difficult year. We struggled throughout the year with our decision to leave our home in Utah. The move was difficult and so has adjusting to our new home. We miss our family and friends. We miss familiarity. We're trying to acclimate and find our place in this new state.

For the new year I've resolved to abandon complaining (verbally) and sugar! So from now on, I resolve that if I have a headache, feel tired, feel cold, hot, have a hang nail...I will keep it to myself. I will no longer be a Debbie Downer. I'll just deal with whatever, without hoping those around me might feel sorry for me. I realized that the reason we share our ailments (physical or emotional) might be because we want others to feel sorry for us and thus expect less. So I resolve to buck-up, like a pioneer woman (minus the handcart).
Also, I've said goodbye to sugar. I've run my body down with this shiz. It's only been a few hours. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!

I'm gonna try my best and not crucify myself if I fudge.

Starting this year I'm also going to enroll in a Texas Teaching Credential program. I'm starting to go stir-crazy at home. I've been a stay-at-home-mom for 9 years. I might even get a little part time, no brainer job.

Yeah for new beginnings! Happy New Year Ya'll

1 comment:

  1. Love you AF and miss you like crazy. Good luck with the sugar thing. I'm trying that crap too but today is Day 1 for me. Wish me luck. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I thought about you lots. And, yes, this year will be better. For all of us! :)
