
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pet Replacement

Sophia has dreamed of owning a mini donkey. I loved the idea of it. Dave liked the novelty. Here in Texas farm animals are cheap, just begging to be owned.  
We brought Stormy home on a Friday afternoon. We enjoyed his company and Sophia fell in love. The neighbors were in awe (not sure what kind of awe). We enjoyed Stormy until he began trying to violenty kill our animals (chickens and dogs). And the noise! Donkies are not for suburban neighborhoods (please take note). So yes, we Foys fell hard for Stormy the mini. But, he was a real jack-ass (can you blame me).
Mr. Foy returned Stormy to his original owner before the sun rose.

Which brings me to answere another Foy mystery...Speck. The terrier known as Speck was the cutest dog ever to have lived. But he was a monster. Not even his looks could save him. Speck destroyed two, too many Crested Polish hens until we accepted that he could no longer live with respect on our farm. The day we left Utah a new home was procurred for the head-ripping-off, chicken-eating, cutest dog in the world.

You might imagine that Sophia is a tortured soul. However, Sophia is country. Like, she was born to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere (she's that country). That, and her daddy adores her and has found phenominal replacements for both violent, animal killing pets.

Let me introduce you to Molly. We adopted Molly from the Humane Society here in Leander, TX. Molly is a little girl's dream come true pup. Molly sleeps in Sophie's bed at night and is as loyal as loyal can be.
Truth be told...Molly is so ugly she's cute (know what I mean). With a serious, never seen before under bite and a confusing lions mane. She is the opposite os Speck and has provided a wonderful life lesson for the Foy children (ugly/beautiful on the outside
and ugly/beautiful on the inside). Priceless.

And Stormy's replacement:
The best pets on Earth...Dwarf Nigerean goats.

Who knew!


  1. She's obviously happy with the replacements. There have been a few pets that we didn't bring home because I knew our dog, Duncan, would either kill them or at least make them wish they were dead. He's actually a pretty good dog, to humans anyway. :)

  2. Duncan sounds like he commands respect!

  3. You have a lovely family!! And what a wonderful set of pets!!!

  4. Oh my god Alysa... I begged my mom for a goat for probably 10 years. I must come visit!

  5. I'm so sad the mini donkey didn't work out. You know how I feel about small asses. Right? But the goats are killer and they really are great pets until they try to breed with your dog. Just a side note. We kind of had a problem with that. But no worries. It makes for great dinner conversation and excellent teaching opportunities with the littles. Love you.
