
Monday, May 16, 2011

Swimming with Goslings read the right. We adopted 2 goslings.
I'm amazed at what great pets our newest additions have become
(goslings, goats and a rooster).

Hanz and Franz are wonderfully sweet. 
They follow us, stumbling over each other, throughout the yard.
But, they especially love to swim!

 Typically I'd be like...ewe, gross, swimming with pooping geese! But, I'm learning to see things differently. I'm learning that the conventional way I grew up is not the most enjoyable/beneficial. My world view is changing and challenging me to open my mind. Getting out of the city has given us so much freedom.


  1. oh my gosh! that picture is so cute. and i would think the same thing about swimming with them, but this is too perfect to pass up!

  2. That has to be the cutest thing I've seen all day.
