
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Move

Our journey from Utah to Central Texas was not for the faint of heart. We traveled with 3 cars, 2 trailers, 4 adults (incl. my disabled mom), 4 kids, and 7 pets! In my care alone I had 2 kids, a bunny, a dog and 2 turtles (the smell was incredible)!
The trip took us 4 days. We travelled up to Colorado, across to Kansas, then down through Oklahoma and Texas.
Drawing by Nate
Somewhere in CO I got a flat tire
Finally Made it!

Settling in

Fred the Utah garden gnome
The littles played on the swingset for days
...and caught geckos and lizzards

our across-the-street Utah neighbor took the drive with us.
Tom was a huge help!

Soon after we arrived we unearthed a large wasp colony.

This was a job for the bee professionals

I still haven't recovered from this trip! But we're settled and life is going well. The kids are happy here and we love being around SO MANY trees!


  1. the house looks great. and I would have seriously gone nuts during that car ride. haha!

  2. Seriously Dena, the car ride was insane! We even saw an elderly man pass away at a gas station somewhere in CO. AND, the one of the cats peed on Dave's foot. Good times...not.

  3. that is crazy girl! I'm glad you made it there in one piece :) no wonder why you are just now blogging about it, haha!
