
Friday, July 16, 2010

Cali Road Trip - Day 1

David has been working in Riverside, CA. I decided to pack up The Littles and head down there for a spontaneous road trip. I didn't have anything planned, I just knew we needed to get away for a bit. We left on Thursday and rolled into Riverside just in time for our sweet nephew Christian's 3rd birthday party.
Christian refused to open his eyes for pictures!
All three Foys in one location...amazing! Dave's older sister Jen and lil bro Ryan.

Rachel insists on wearing a helmet wherever she goes.
The cousins
minus Josh (Josh was with his mom on a trip)

After the party we stayed the night at a hotel in Riverside. I left Rachel's pack n play at home and just got one room for all of us! The hotel didn't have a crib or an extra bed. So there we were...6 Foys, 2 beds.

The next day we loaded in the minivan (with daddy) and drove up the coast. We didn't have any plans, or reservations.

1 comment:

  1. I envy your spontaneity (sp?). So fun! How you liking the van?
