
Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Foy Propaganda

Last night David and I saw a screening of the new documentary "The Business of Being Born." This is a must see for any woman who is pregnant. I was amazed to learn what women have allowed to happen to themselves during birth. Does twilight sleep sound familiar? We have lost total control of what birth should be. Birth should be a beautiful, spiritual, and empowering experience. I believe that we have been made to think that birth is like a disease that needs to be cured. So far I have had varied experiences with my births. Sophia was a scheduled induction with the epidural. No doubt it was a great day and a fairly easy birth. After Sophia's birth I swore I would always have an epidural because it was so easy. But Nathan's birth changed my mind for good. While my epidural was being administered the anaesthesiologist "messed-up" and it resulted in what is called a wet tap. It was miserable. I delivered Nathan without the help of the epidural while at the same time having a headache that was worse than anything I had ever felt before and threw-up during the whole delivery. I was bedridden for a week and my medical care takers were of no help. My OB was too busy to return our calls and the hospital told me to contact my OB. I was prescribed an unreal amount of pain pills. I had never been so scared in my life. After the experience I was left with a headache everyday for a year and a bill for the epidural and the procedure that was finally done (a week later) to fix it. I knew that for my third birth it was all natural for me. So I delivered Emma-June naturally, or so I thought. Come to find out I was given pitosin. The pitosin made my contractions very painful. But I did it and felt like a hero. After Emma's birth a felt so strong and courageous. I felt and incredible bond with her immediately. I now know that the bond was created by a release of the natural drugs during the delivery. There is so much to know about the process of giving birth. I believe that there is much to gain from having a baby without medical intervention. Of course I know that there are many times that medical intervention is necessary, but it is overdone and often times creates its own problems. I recommend that people see this documentary to see a side of birth that has been forgotten about. As you know I am about to have a home birth any day now. I am prepared for anything and everything. I have assessed the "risks" involved and believe that the benefits far outweigh the potential risks. If anything goes wrong we will go to the hospital. But if all goes well our baby will be born in the peace of our own home, surrounded by her family and the environment that is filled will the germs and sounds she already knows. There will be no drugs involved. We will allow this baby to come into this world when she is ready. We know that the Holy Spirit will fill our home and our hearts and help this spirit transfer from heaven to this world.

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