
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Vegan? Really?

Yesterday was one of those days that leaves you with a not-so-good feeling. David was sick with the flu, I wasn't feeling well, my house was a MESS and to top it all off I forgot about Sophia's ballet class which starts at 4:45. When I remembered her class it was already 4:50. I ran upstairs to get Sophia, who was taking quiet time, and got her dressed real quick and threw her tangled hair up into a sloppy ballet bun. With her face covered in chocolate and dirt we ran out the door. When we got to the studio about 20 minutes late we were greated with some "better than you" glares from the other moms who's girls were there on time. I felt like such a worm. This experience is on top of my already having forgot to pick Sophia up from school on Friday. Fridays are early day. I was across town having lunch with David prepared to pick her up at the normal time of 11:45. While I was enjoying lunch my poor baby was yelling towards our house, which is directly next door to the school, "somebody pick me up!" Good thing my friend and neighbor was able to pick her up and waite for me to get her. So as you can imagine I was not feeling too good about myself or things in general yestaerday. But the icing on my yucky cake was when my sweet husband told me that he had decided to become vegan. If I can remember correctly, I think I yelled at him. "You're crazy" and "good luck with that" are some of the things I told him. He told me about a video he had seen on the internet that showed the standard practices of the animal industry and said that he did not want to be any part of that. Keep in mind that our family is already vegetarian, even the baby. I was so frusterated about the idea of having to buy and fix him"special food." I appreciate that he is a man who is always looking for ways to better himself and become a more conciencious person. He is very sensitive to the plight of others. But as for me and the kids, we will eat animal by-products. I can't even keep the house clean or remember to get the kids where they need to go, let alone read labels and make sure that everyone is getting their nutrients. Maybe I am a lazy American. I acknowledge the truth and choose to continue to eat cheese and milk. David showed Sophia the video of the animals being tortured and she was able to make her own decision. This morning when David asked Sophie if she wanted soymilk with her cereal she said,"no thank you, I'll have cow milk." I did go out and get the man some soy milk. But I had just gone to the market and planned all of the week's meals, none of which are vegan. So David will have to pick through everything. Again, good luck with that.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Alisa, I had to laugh (in sympathy) at your dance class goof-up. As you know, I have to set alarms for myself or the whole world passes by with me being clueless. One time when we were new to the area I enrolled Kristina in a dance class and bought her a traditional leotard with a matching chiffon shirt. When we arrived late for class we were a little surprised that all the other girls were older and wearing their striking black "show-team" costumes. All eyes were on us as a Kristina hesitantly shuffles in wearing her powder blue chiffon getup!---an unforgettable experience!

    Have a great one! Thinking of you!
