
Sunday, February 14, 2010

"How do you have time for that" or "I don't know how you do it" are things my friends would tell me about the business I started 2 years ago. I started Posh in Clover Bath & Body when Rachel was about 6 months old. I was filled with creative juice and was eager start something. So I gave birth to a company that I loved. I learned how to do things I never imagined I could to do. But, my family suffered. David was left alone at night while I worked into the wee hours of the morning. My babies would come into the office and pull my hands off the computer. The truth is, the time I was spending working on my business was time I was taking away from my family. I didn't realize that I had already created something far bigger than myself; my sweet family. I needed to return to them. I've often heard women say that you can have it all, a family and work. I never figured how that was done. It was painful, but I gave everything over to my partner and gave myself back to my family. I missed a lot of time with my little people but I'm hoping that I'm not too late. Posh in Clover is still doing really well (check out our website here)and I'm still on as an investor. But now my loyalty lies with my sweet family.

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