
Monday, February 15, 2010


"Sophia, wash your face"
"Sophia, comb your hair"
"Sophia, please calm down and lower your voice"
These are things I hear myself saying daily. One afternoon while she was away at my mom's house I realized how special Sophia is; just the way she is. I realized how much I treasure her messy face and hair. Here are a few special things about Sophia:

Loves Scooby Doo and dresses up daily in her Scooby Doo costume (that's way too small)
Loves animals and takes great care of her toad and dog, Gracie (she never plays with dolls)
Walks around the house with her toad, Froggy Boy, on her shoulder
Writes letters to the Worm Stork (if you leave him a note he'll leave a bucket of Canadian Reds on your doorstep)
Tells me often that, "looking cute is not important"
She skips and hops instead of walking
Always has a messy face and dirty hands with fluffy hair
Has the cutest freckles

Sophia is Priceless and I'm so grateful to be babysitting her for God. I adore her


  1. She is one of a kind...and beautiful. :)

  2. I love that she tells you looking beautiful is not important! I wish I could run to St. George & give her a high 5!
